The micro-steps that lead to big changes

There is a popular Indian proverb that describes how individual droplets of water go on to fill up the ocean. Micro-steps are a lot like that - small steps leading to big wins. In this edition of 'Thrive in 5', we discuss how to make our way to lasting change.

Where are we now?

What can you do?

What's next?

  • Nowadays, work and personal life are often inextricably intertwined.

  • It’s important to reconsider how we spend our time and energy, and set ourselves achievable goals in micro-steps.

1. Gain work-life balance by getting started on setting micro-steps.

2. Then, take the work-life integration assessment to see where you stand.

3. Check out Atomic Habits by James Clear. In this insightful book, Clear offers a framework to make tiny changes in one’s habits that lead to big results.


Female Leadership in the Workplace


Master the art of giving and receiving feedback